What Jobs Can Digital Marketers Have in the Metaverse? 

Explore diverse career opportunities for digital marketers in the metaverse. Unlock new realms of success with in-demand skills and innovation. 


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, change is constant, with trends and platforms transforming rapidly. A significant shift is on the horizon—the metaverse. This vast network of virtual realms promises an immersive and autonomous web experience, presenting both challenges and unprecedented opportunities for digital marketers. 

As this futuristic concept becomes a reality, there’s understandable nervousness among marketers. However, as history teaches us, great change brings great opportunity. The rise of the metaverse is set to not only expand existing digital marketing disciplines but also introduce exciting new roles for those equipped with the right skills. 

Before delving into potential metaverse jobs, it’s crucial to understand why paying attention to this emerging landscape is essential. 

Why Pay Attention to the Metaverse?  

Firstly, like any new concept in the digital arena, failing to keep up with changes can leave digital marketers trailing behind. Secondly, experts predict that the metaverse market will reach a staggering $800 billion by 2024. As immersive technology gains traction and engagement on traditional social media platforms declines, connecting with consumers in personalized ways becomes vital for sparking genuine engagement and fostering loyalty. 

Major brands are already venturing into the metaverse, creating collaborative campaigns such as the partnership between luxury brand Balenciaga and the popular game Fortnite. This innovative initiative allows players to purchase virtual Balenciaga merchandise for their in-game avatars, bridging the gap between virtual and real-world engagement. 

Jobs in the Age of the Metaverse:  

Now that we’ve set the metaverse stage, let’s explore three potential jobs in this immersive digital landscape: 

1. Metaverse Ecosystem Manager 

Average Salary: Approximately $88,000 

As influential figures like Mark Zuckerberg invest heavily in the metaverse, seamless operation requires a blend of technologies, platforms, and innovations. Ecosystem managers, including UX designers and project managers, can play a pivotal role in ensuring a frictionless metaverse experience. This domain is likely to spawn related roles like metaverse developers, architects, and 3D artists. 

2. Metaverse Storyteller 

Average Salary: Between $48,000 and $75,000 

In the metaverse, storytelling takes center stage. Metaverse storytellers, operating in extended reality (XR), will identify content marketing opportunities through collaborations with gaming platforms and immersive experiences. From in-game purchases to time-traveling narratives, the possibilities for crafting engaging stories are limitless, making this role ideal for content marketing enthusiasts. 

3. Metaverse Community Manager 

Average Salary: Approximately $58,000 

In the metaverse, the role of community managers transcends traditional boundaries. Engaging with users across extended reality touchpoints, community managers become virtual tour guides, creating avatars and sparking conversations. This role adds a layer of personalization in a dimension where brands interact directly with consumers. 


As we approach the metaverse era, these three areas offer significant opportunities for digital marketers. However, the metaverse landscape will continue to evolve, introducing new roles regularly. To prepare for the future of marketing, explore our guide on essential digital marketing skills for the metaverse and immerse yourself in the latest trends and tools. 

How to Navigate Metaverse Jobs:  

To thrive in the metaverse, staying informed about the latest trends, examining successful campaigns, and testing tools and platforms is crucial. Adopting a metaverse mindset not only builds confidence to seize opportunities but also fosters professional connections that may lead to fresh roles or vacancies in your preferred sectors. 

Metaverse Jobs for All:  

One of the advantages of the metaverse is its level playing field for professionals. Even without prior experience, you can land a lucrative role by carefully examining job descriptions, gaining relevant experience, and showcasing your skills effectively. 

Metaverse Jobs for Remote Workers and Freelancers:  

Surprisingly, brands are already hiring remote and freelance talent for metaverse-based roles. Research the current in-demand roles, optimize your professional profiles, and build an online reputation to attract the right opportunities. Some sought-after remote and freelance roles include Metaverse Marketing Manager, NFT, and Gaming Marketing Manager, Metaverse Business Strategist, and Strategic Metaverse Campaign Manager. 

In conclusion, the metaverse presents an exciting frontier for digital marketers, offering diverse opportunities for those willing to adapt and explore. Whether you’re an experienced professional or a newcomer, the metaverse beckons with a wealth of possibilities for those ready to embrace this transformative digital era. 

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