How to Write a Marketing Email 

Craft compelling marketing emails that captivate your audience with our expert tips. Upgrade your campaigns and boost engagement with effective email writing strategies. 


In the realm of digital marketing, email campaigns remain a potent weapon in a marketer’s arsenal. However, with inboxes inundated with messages, mastering the art of writing an email that captivates recipients and drives conversions is essential. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create engaging marketing emails that resonate with your audience. 

Step 1: Tailor Your Message to Your Audience:  

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of effective email marketing. Develop buyer personas that paint a vivid picture of your ideal customers. This knowledge will guide your messaging and ensure that your emails address the specific needs and interests of recipients. 

Tip: Utilize our buyer persona template to create a detailed profile of individuals within your target audience. 

Step 2: Craft a Compelling Subject Line:  

The subject line is your email’s first impression, so make it compelling. Keep it concise, add personalization elements, and provide a glimpse of the content inside. Consider drawing inspiration from successful subject lines, ask questions, use emojis judiciously, and create a sense of urgency to boost open rates. 

Tip: Download the ‘Email Content and Copywriting Checklist’ for assistance in crafting impactful emails. 

Step 3: Personalize Your Message:  

Personalization enhances engagement. Segment your email list based on different criteria and tailor your content to each group. Include the recipient’s name, personalize based on past interactions, and make them feel special by addressing their specific needs. 

Cole Haan email example 

Tip: Check ‘The Anatomy of an Effective Marketing Email’ to ensure your emails meet the necessary criteria. 

Step 4: Build Relationships:  

Emails are a tool for building relationships. Share insights about your brand, highlight your business’s goals or ethics, and consider personal messages from key figures like your CEO. Use inclusive language to treat recipients as valued parts of your business community. 

Glassdoor email example 

Step 5: Emphasize Benefits:  

Focus on the benefits your readers will gain. Understand your audience, use clear and relatable language, offer value, build credibility, and link to topical or newsworthy content. Always include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that prompts the desired response. 

Step 6: Inspire Action:  

Every email should inspire action. Craft your message with active language and include CTAs that prompt engagement. Leverage tactics like countdowns for upcoming events or encouraging sign-ups for newsletters to keep your audience involved. 

AppSumo Black Friday email 

Step 7: Stay Connected:  

Include contact information and promote your social media handles. Invite recipients to join your Facebook groups or Discord channels to foster a sense of community. Provide various communication options, such as WhatsApp for customer service, to enhance connectivity. 

Step 8: Test and Optimize:  

Regularly test different elements of your emails, including subject lines, images, CTAs, and content. A/B testing is crucial to understand what resonates best with your audience. Embrace automation tools and consider the use of AI for content creation, but remember that there’s room for improvement in terms of nuance and creativity. 

Tip: Refer to our ‘A/B Testing Toolkit and Videos’ for guidance on effective testing. 


In the ever-evolving landscape of email marketing, creating impactful messages requires a strategic approach. By following these steps, you can craft marketing emails that not only stand out in crowded inboxes but also resonate with your audience, fostering lasting connections and driving meaningful engagement. 

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