Brands Must Have A Guide

Explore the vital role of brand identity guides in marketing. Learn how they shape and strengthen your brand’s identity.


In the battlefield of marketing, your brand identity guide serves as your trusted battle map. When it comes to deploying copywriting and design, having clear guidelines is not just important; it’s crucial. Without a brand identity guide, you risk your brand becoming a confusing, inconsistent entity incapable of establishing a strong presence in the minds of your target audience.

A strategically designed brand, combined with well-crafted copywriting, can significantly enhance the clarity of your brand in the minds of your audience. To achieve this, your brand must answer four vital questions:

Who You Are: Your brand identity should reflect your essence.

Why You Exist: Clearly communicate the purpose behind your brand’s existence.

Who You Exist For: Identify your target audience and their needs.

Why They Should Care to Listen: Convey the value you offer to your audience.

Once you can answer these questions and develop communication systems that educate consumers swiftly, you’ll find yourself converting more paying customers. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of a brand identity guide and explore various styles it can take to cater to diverse audiences.

1. Style 01: Framing

Framing is the initial step in creating a brand identity guide. It provides a broad overview of your brand’s personality and positioning in the market. For instance, Starbucks’ branding effectively highlights its unique position in the coffee industry. This style helps people grasp the big picture, making it an essential aspect of your brand guide.

2. Style 02: Short-Form

Short-form language is perfect for those who prefer a “headlines only” style of communication. It’s concise and to the point, making it ideal for catching the attention of busy individuals. Take KitKat’s use of their slogan in their advertisements as an example. It’s short, memorable, and instantly communicates the brand’s essence, making it a powerful tool in your brand identity guide.

3. Style 03: Long Form

Long-form communication is more detailed and explanatory, leaving less room for misinterpretation. This style is invaluable when you need to elaborate on your brand’s values, features, or history. Nike, for instance, often employs long-form content to outline the features of their products. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of what they offer, which can be particularly important for complex brands.

4. Style 04: Combination

Combining pictures with language is a potent style for bridging the visual gap. Apple’s advertisements are a prime example of this approach. They minimize copy while maximizing visual impact, creating a harmonious balance that resonates with their audience. This style allows you to convey a rich narrative while leveraging the power of visuals to reinforce your message.

5. Style 05: Visual

Visual communication is the key for those who gain the most insight through pictures and graphics. McDonald’s often uses exclusively visual ads to capture the attention of their audience. These visuals are designed to tell a story or evoke emotions without relying on extensive text. Such an approach can be particularly effective in today’s fast-paced digital world.


In the world of marketing, a brand identity guide is your trusted ally, ensuring that your brand is consistently and effectively communicated to your target audience. It’s a versatile tool that can take on various styles to cater to different preferences and communication needs. Whether you opt for framing, short-form, long-form, a combination of both, and a purely visual approach, a well-crafted brand identity guide will help you navigate the complex terrain of brand building, ultimately leading to greater success in the competitive market.

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